We have been successfully producing standardised pallets under the EPAL licence as well as disposable pallets for years. We have the licences necessary to perform heat treatment (HT) compliant with the ISPM 15 guidelines. We have 8 wood drying chambers with a total capacity of about 11,000 EPAL pallets at our disposal. We obtain the elements used for pallet production from sawn timber produced at the site and from purchases from our suppliers. We also have an EPAL licence that allows us to repair damaged, used pallets and we have a permission to collect, transport, and recycle pallets and wooden articles. We issue waste transfer notes. We sell used EPAL pallets and disposable pallets.
© 2024 RSP w Rzecku - produkcja palet, naprawa palet, skup palet, sprzedaż palet drewnianych - Stargard, Gorzów, Drawno, Choszczno, Barlinek, Pełczyce, Bierzwnik, Kalisz Pomorski